New Midwest hardcore pack SPREAD THIN drop new vicious track “IDGAF” – watch new video here!

Drawing influence from powerviolence and thrash, Midwest metallized hardcore crew SPREAD THIN is ready to unleash their debut single, a perfect showcase of what the group has to offer. Undergirded with dark and heavy currents of storming sound, “IDGAF” comes as a fierce, crushing, and relentless assault on your ear drums and leaves you crawing for more! Comments the band’s guitarist Alex DeWall: “IDGAF is all about being fake and in the scene for the sake of being cool. There’s so much more to hardcore than the way you look, the things you do, and how you act.” “Not everything has to be so serious and we’re taking a jab at ourselves as well as what we observe around us.” IDGAF by Spread Thin FFO: Weekend Nachos, Gulch, Spy, Rotting Out, Nails, Harms Way T...

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