Megan Brickwood Teases Upcoming EP ‘Fifth Mile’ with Lead Single “Trinity River Blues”

The rising musician, singer, and songstress Megan Brickwood is excited to announce that her upcoming EP Fifth Mile will be released on February 24, 2023. To mark the occasion, the artist has shared the first single, and its video, from the EP “Trinity River Blues.” Brickwood explains: “‘Trinity River Blues’ is the first song I wrote in an open tuning. I became interested in open tunings studying Joni Mitchell and Nick Drake. This DADGAD tuning was the first I tried, and it completely caught my imagination. The idea for writing a song called ‘Trinity River Blues’ popped into my head one day while I wandered around by the Trinity River, feeling lonely and melancholy. Some weeks later, when I was back in Los Angeles, working out of my little home studio, I started writing this DADGAD song tha...

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