Madonna – ‘True Blue’ [Retro Album Review]

Ever had one of those, “What was I thinking” revelations? You know, a moment when you look back on a “snapshot” from sometime in the past and become completely appalled — I can’t believe I actually wore those, went there, listened to that. Conversely, some of those review reflections often can be less frightening — standing the test of time nicely. Basic blue jeans never have failed. LA is still hip. And Johnny Cash always will be cool. But particularly with music, occasionally, what we miss (completely) in the moment back in the day, actually can speak to us (loudly) years later. She’d become arguably the biggest pop star on the planet by the time her third LP dropped back in June 1986. But for a metal-crazed 23-year-old, the music of Madonna was way in my peripheral. As a result, despite...

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