Korpse – ‘Insufferable Violence’ [Album Review]

From Stillbirth’s Revive The Thone album to Katalepsy’s offering, Terra Mortuus Est, Unique Leader Records put out some sickening releases in 2020. However, with the release of Insufferable Violence, the new offering from Netherlands maulers Korpse, they’ve set the standard ridiculously high for anything that follows in 2021. The Dutch band’s third album, Insufferable Violence, kicks off with the hellish “PTSD” before hurtling headfirst into the pulverizing title track. Rotten to the core, the record lurches through the slam-drenched “Disposable Underaged Objects” and the chugging filth of “Self Preservation” almost without stopping for breath. Now the problem with writing about albums from the death/slam genre is that, all too soon, the route one predictability makes it, much like the gen...

unsplash-logoLilith Redmoon