Jamie Lee Curtis: Listening to Greta Van Fleet got me through Halloween Kills

Incredibly wholesome and cool news alert: acting legend Jamie Lee Curtis is a huge Greta Van Fleet fan, and says that listening to the band’s second EP From The Fires got her through filming Halloween Kills. Speaking on Rock 955’s The Angi Taylor show, Jamie – who plays Laurie Strode – says that her long drives to and from set each day were constantly soundtracked by Josh Kiszka and the boys. “I mean, look, I’m a happily married 62-year-old woman – who, by the way, married Nigel Tufnel [played by Christopher Haden-Guest] from Spinal Tap, [so] I get plenty of guitar in my home – but Josh’s voice absolutely slays me!” she enthuses (transcribed by Kerrang!). Read this: Brotherhood, burnout and belief: How Greta Van Fleet took on the world – and won Speaking about...

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