Geared Up: The Gama Sennin Drummer Adam Maples Discusses His Fabled Drumkit

When you think of The Gama Sennin, you may liken them to a musical all-star team. In other words, every contributor is superb, and there are no weak links. Developed by frontman Kevin McGuire, he has surrounded himself by some high-end talent, which includes the Grammy-winning engineer/producer Peter Franco (Daft Punk), bassist John Avila (Oingo Boingo), drummer Adam Maples (Earthlings?/Sea Hags), guitarist Dimitri Coats (OFF!/Burning Brides), Grammy-nominated keyboard player Chris Caswell (Daft Punk/The Muppets), and percussionist Art Pacheco (The Calling, Jamaica). Together, they have conjoined their talents to create an expansive, hybrid sound that combines alternative energy, psychedelia, desert grooves, and spaced-out progressive rock. They have come together to form a valiant force o...

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