Loma Baja, the experimental music collective consisting of Pacomoto (G.A.S. Drummers), Jorge García (Adrift, El Páramo), Víctor Teixeira (Giganto, Another Kind Of Dead), and Raúl Lorenzo (Sou Edipo), release their second single, “La Emboscada,” today, and we’re stoked to be a part of the event, with this special first hearing of the intriguing single below. This comes as a follow-up to their first single, “Boda Final / Velorio,” which was released on April 26th, generating considerable buzz and anticipation for their upcoming debut album, ‘Piscinas Verticales.’ LOMA BAJA by @gritalacantaora The creation of ‘Piscinas Verticales’ was a unique and liberating process for Loma Baja. Seeking to tap into their creative depths, the musicians em...