EP review: Antethic – Mythographer B-Sides

When St. Petersburg trio Antethic finally broke onto the world stage with third album – and debut international release – Mythographer in May 2020, the spheres of post-rock and avant-electro sat up and took notice. In everything from a name borrowing from the terminology of American philosopher Charles Pierce (for the normative science combining logic, ethics and aesthetics), to compositions that felt simultaneously dense in detail and sprawling in scope, there was an intelligence and conceptual dexterity at play that could not be ignored. How had these mysterious Russians flown under the radar since 2012, we wondered, and where could we hear more?  Six-track companion release Mythographer B‑Sides tantalisingly fleshes out the picture. Most significant in that are the two or...

unsplash-logoLilith Redmoon