Endless Idiot Reveal “Hard-Working Family” Video

Endless Idiot is the one man DIY post-punk project by Stefan Ball, the frontman of UK punk band Who Killed Nancy Johnson?  Skull And Fork is the project’s sophomore full length that is now available via digital platforms and as a name your price download via Bandcamp. The album draws on similar inspirations to Who Killed Nancy Johnson?, taking motifs and ideas from punk, post-punk, new wave and minimalism. Endless Idiot have been steadily releasing videos for all of the tracks on Skull & Fork and they have now revealed their latest visual, Hard-Working Family, a track originally written for a rhythm and blues band, but never actually played by them.  Skull & Fork is now available via digital platforms including Bandcamp The post Endless Idiot Reveal “Hard-Working Family” ...

unsplash-logoLilith Redmoon