Emotive hardcore pack KNELT BEFORE break down new melodic, earworm album “Be Nice”

West Coast based PMA hardcore band KNELT BEFORE features former members of Second Coming, LoveHateHero, What Lies Within and Divide the Day, and they just self-released their debut album, Be Nice. If you love classic hardcore punk in the vein of H2O, Ignite, Gorilla Biscuits then it’s a straight up glorious start to the week with their wicked tunes! The band makes hardcore infused with pop-punk subtleties with positive lyrics (no cursing, etc). Two of the members are straight edge, one is Hare Krishna and a few are vegetarian and vegan as well. For Fans Of: H2O, Face (Japan), Ignite, Good Clean Fun, Gorilla Biscuits, , Youth Of Today After leaving music for many years, Mark Johnston and Don Rossington got together through a mutual appreciation of straight edge hardcore, positive thin...

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