DS Exclusive: Asbury Park indie punks Yawn Mower debut new video, “Stagnant Lake”

Happy Tuesday, comrades! Another day brings us another killer video that we’re super lucky to get to premiere for you. Today’s offering comes to us from Yawn Mower, who hail from one of my favorite places in the world (at least until gentrification finally does it in)…Asbury Park, New Jersey! The video is for a song called “Stagnant Lake” – here’s what the band had to say about it! “We have 3 old tube televisions in our rehearsal space that always have DVDs rolling on mute in the background. We’re all ADHD enough to need 3 other things to process in the midst of practicing. Usually have a Wes Anderson night, a Tarantino night, once in a while any trilogies on hand are going simultaneously. Movies and shows play an equal part in inspiring us a...

unsplash-logoLilith Redmoon