The brainchild of composer/musician/artist Carlos Ibarra, MAULÉN collaborates with a multitude of artists to create art with the ambition of manifesting something unique, beautiful, strange, and alluring. “Maulén” is the surname of his grandmother, a member of the Mapuche people in Chile, and translates to “a wet valley.” Carlos will release his stunning “El miedo de amar pero igual lo hago” two-part EP via Icons Creating Evil Art early 2023, and today we’re thrilled to give you his new epic 3-tracker called “El miedo de amar“. El miedo de amar pero igual lo hago, translates to “the fear of falling in love but I still do it” and will be released as a two-part EP, the first of which, El miedo de amar, will see official unveiling September 29. Ibarra comments...