Born and raised in Los Angeles, DeathbyRomy has been described as a “dark-pop provocateur.” She has already been named in the ‘Top 100 Artists To Watch’ and has just dropped her brilliant new single “Day I Die.” Following the release of the song, we had a chat with DeathbyRomy to find out more about her world. Thanks for your time; can you tell us a bit about who DeathbyRomy is? DeathbyRomy: “At my core, I am a lover of life and new experiences. Besides music, some of my biggest passions are travelling, learning, cooking, and being in nature. I’m a 21-year old girl, born and raised in Los Angeles and I’m the hardest working person I know.” You’ve just put out your new single “Day I Die,” what inspired the song? “I wrote this song in the middle of the pandemic when I was feeling particularl...