Creeper Have Released A New Single Inspired By Leonard Cohen And Nick Cave

As Creeper gear up for the release of their highly-anticipated new album Sex, Death & The Infinite Void in just one week, the band have unveiled another brilliant – and surprising – single from the record. The Southampton punks’ latest effort goes by the suitably on-brand name of Poisoned Heart, and hears frontman Will Gould go to entirely new places with his vocals – to brilliant effect. “This song was the first we had written where we’d experimented with a baritone lead vocal,” he explains. “Inspired by Leonard Cohen and Nick Cave I attempted to sing in a way I had not before, combining this with a country sensibility we had established via a piano and acoustic guitar. Lyrically this song sits in the second act of our narrative, our protagonist...

unsplash-logoLilith Redmoon