Crash the Calm Debut Their Brand New Single “Rope”

New York’s Crash the Calm have released their latest single, “Rope,” an emotionally charged emo anthem that will bring you back to the foundation of emo and post-hardcore. Guitarist Dan LeBrun states: “‘Rope’ is the first new song the band has released since 2021. After two LPs and a split EP, it’s also the first song the band is releasing with new singer James Cadolino. The video was filmed by James Morano who filmed the music videos for ‘No Deeper Than A Coffin’ and ‘My Nowhere.’ ‘Rope’ is a song that (guitarist) Pat (Smith) first brought to the table, and he had the whole song figured out structure wise. So it came together pretty easily as a group. “While we were trying to find new singers in Brian’s (Dowling) absence, we would pitch people with this song to see what they could do over...

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