California Hardcore Crew Original State Unveil Single/Video “Regression”

After releasing a searing EP in 2019, It’ll Be Over Before You Know It, Original State is back with another release in the works and an urgent message with their newest single, “Regression.” Drawing from diverse influences and backgrounds in the group, this track blends chaotic punk/thrash, driving drums, and exploration in the fringes of melodic hardcore that serve as the common ground for the band. Commenting on the new single’s lyrics, TJ Joubert shares: “After seeing a piece by piece dissection of the progress we’ve stood for fall apart, culminating with the overturning of Roe v Wade, Regression was born. It’s a song built by the frustration with how things are being run by those we’ve put in power, and allowed to stay there. Each verse is a progression of events in the last few ...

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