BOYFRIENDERS share an earworm love letter to rock history on new hooks filled album “Midwest Alive in Nightmares”

It’s no secret we’re living in a golden age of melody. From top hits from your mainstream charts to less immediately accessible underground music even here in our underground dungeon on IDIOTEQ, I feel as though I’ve been drinking from a fire-hose of catchy pop hooks. And in this glorious abundance of American melody generators, Detroit indie-rockers BOYFRIENDERS have given us a ramshackle reinvention of pop standards on their newest record Midwest Alive in Nightmares. Asked about the content behind the record, BOYFRIENDERS say that Midwest Alive in Nightmares is about overcoming the challenges of feeling like you don’t belong in the place where you were raised, and therefore feel stuck. “I’ve lived in the metro Detroit area my entire life, and I’ve noticed this weird sort-of morbid ...

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