Album Review: These New South Whales – I Just Do What God Tells Me To Do

From their awkwardly-punning name to the fact they announced their existence via a mockumentary TV series, Sydney’s These New South Whales are basically begging to be compared to Flight Of The Conchords. The only thing is, where their Kiwi counterparts deal exclusively in side-splitting musical pastiche, TNSW are not just a proper band, but a seriously excellent one. The only overtly comedic moment on this second album is a computerised voice proclaiming them, “A band with absolutely no mainstream appeal,” a suggestion immediately disproven by sharp single Nerve 2 Reverse. Musically, they fall somewhere between the revived ‘80s new wave rock of Ceremony’s recent work, and the rackety garage punk of The Chats. Songs like Reservation and Do U Connect? are absolutely irresistible bl...

unsplash-logoLilith Redmoon