NEWS 2019/11/02
They were most commonly assigned the nebulous tag of ‘emo’, but musically My Chemical Romance were magpies in ravens’ feathers, dipping into punk, metal, pop, rock and more to create a marvellous sonic stew that somehow sounded only of themselves. Even at their most bombastic or fantastical they kept a sense of raw emotion and they spoke to and for the outsider even when they became one of the biggest bands in the world. Now returning after six long years away, MCR’s profound influence on the current music scene is obvious. Many of the fans who loved them grew up and started bands of their own and they continue to have a posthumous impact on new generations. Here we look at some of the bands who probably wouldn’t have been possible without the trail blazed by My Chemical&nb...
【限定】Order In Decline(限定特典:缶バッジ付き)
世界各国のフェスを席巻し、自身のツアーも軒並みソールドアウト。 完全復活、バンド史上最高の状態にあるメタルパンクロックバンド SUM 41が送る自身7枚目のフルアルバム! !