Ravn – I mørke natt (Official Covid-19 DIY music video)

It is strange times... We can'y meet up, but decided to make a long time dream come true, and made this music video. We've all recorded by our self (and Christian) at our homes, and sent it to our good friend and digital artist Roger Johansen. He put his magic on what we've recorded, and this is what we got. A true example that you still can make magic happen in this strange times. This is the title track from our debut album that was released in april 2018. Please check out the rest of the album allso. Please stop by our webshop and by some merch: https://www.ravnband.com/store/c4/Clo...Or vist our Vipps-store: #64782 Ravn Take care, stay home, stay safe! www.facebook.com/ravnband www.ravnband.com https://open.spotify.com/track/21mkNR...Insta: @ravnband Digital artist Roger Johansen: http...

unsplash-logoLilith Redmoon