Taken from the album 'A Bird in the Hand' out now. Stream, download, purchase here: https://beans.lnk.to/BirdInTheHand On tour all over Europe 2019: https://beans.lnk.to/Live Directed by Jem Mitchell www.jemmitchell.co.uk 1st Camera Samuel E H Hooper 2nd Camera Ollie Dahmen Edit Glen Travis Starring... Aimee, Johnny, Juno & Kit Amy, Bryn & Rudi Amy, Simon, Milly, Isobel & Ruby Anna, Andrew & Zephyra Bryony, Adam, Flora & Ezra David, Lucy & Pearl Delphine, Adam & Isis Emily, Reg & Otis Genie, Shaun, Leo & Ottilie Hannah, Oli & Ula Holly, Sam & Molly Jana, Andrew, Devlin & Joshi Jenna, Shelley & Harrison Katie & Easton Leigh, Daro & Myla Lucy, Michael & Marlie Maggie, Kes & Sy Ona, Tom & Miles Rebecca, Greg & Arabell...