Lookers Are Not Above Vengeance on Their Single “Bury You Under” [Premiere]

For a first single from a debut record, Lookers sound awfully sure of themselves. Today, they reveal “Bury You Under,” a gritty, multi-dimensional introduction to their first album, Deeper. This is a coming-out party of sorts for the Rhode Island noise pop group. “Bury You Under” is noteworthy for several reasons, but what really makes this song stand out is its originality and assuredness. With its many layers and gritty production, you’d think Lookers were on album four or thereabouts. It’s a confident sound from a confident band that believes in the music they are making. Even the lyrics of “Bury You Under” speak to that confident approach with lines such as “They didn’t stop you then / They won’t stop me now.” It’s a promise against oppressors, a seed to plant or bury that will eventua...

unsplash-logoLilith Redmoon