DS Interview: My dinner with Boybrain

I was recently able to sit down with Chicago-based punk band Boybrain, who happen to be tied for the number one spot on my favorite local bands list. The band has a new single, “Ratmouth,” coming out this October; watch for it on your favorite streaming services. You can see them perform at Hands Off Our Fest (H.O.O.F.) October 19th in Blue Island. Find me and say hi, I’ll be at there without a doubt. I discovered Boybrain early during the 2020 Covid-19 lockdown, when live music was nowhere to be found and live streams had to fill the void. I caught a broadcast from Liar’s Club that included previously recorded performances. There was a lot of great stuff in the stream, but the one that left the biggest impression on me was “Owl” by Boybrain. Flash-forward to venues...

unsplash-logoLilith Redmoon