The Dillinger Escape Plan add Trash Talk & Secret Chiefs 3 to Chicago show, begin NYC run this week

The Dillinger Escape Plan have announced the full, very stacked lineup for their Chicago reunion / Calculating Infinity 25th anniversary show: it’ll include hardcore greats Trash Talk and avant-rock weirdos Secret Chiefs 3, in addition to previously announced sets from emo-progsters The World Is A Beautiful Place and I Am No Longer Afraid To Die and local Chicago punks No Men. As mentioned, the show goes down on August 24 at The Salt Shed Outdoors. Tickets are still on sale. DEP began their reunion at No Values fest, and their NYC shows are this weekend at Brooklyn Paramount from June 21-23 with Car Bomb and Candy on night one; The Callous Daoboys and Deadguy on night two; and all four of those bands on night three. You can still get tickets. For more on Trash Talk, see our list of 1...


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