Coffin Pricks haunted the Chicago music scene for a brief period in the early 2010’s. Initially conceived by Ryan Weinstein (Cavity / Red Eyed Legends) as a musical vehicle to collaborate with Chris Thomson (Circus Lupus / Monorchid / Skull Control / Red Eyed Legends) and Jeff Rice (Ottawa / Calvary / Daylight Robbery), they soon added Chay Lawrence (Bob Tilton / Tribute) on bass for live performances. They released one single on Stationary (Heart) Recordings in 2012, played several local shows and wrote an album’s worth of songs, many that never got properly recorded before the band’s demise. Yet the music remained. And so Council Records went to work on Semi-Perfect Crimes. Repurposing the original iconic artwork by John Herndon, an album was designed by Michael Shephe...