Everyone is Wrong About Danny Boyle’s ‘Pistol’

Go on Rotten Tomatoes, IMDB, or any other review aggregator of television for Pistol, the new mini-series directed by Danny Boyle about the Sex Pistols, and you’ll notice a widely disappointing response to the show. Critics have been particularly harsh with the series, calling it “mismanaged nostalgia,” and “an overly sentimental love letter that should never have been sent.” Audience responses haven’t been much better, including one response which took a shot at the direction, saying it was “full of Boyle energy, signifying nothing.” Having already watched and thoroughly enjoyed the series, I felt like I was taking crazy pills at seeing all of what I regarded as an unfairly negative criticism of the show. So, now I’m going to explain why I think everyone who has hated Pistol is wrong. Bef...

unsplash-logoLilith Redmoon