The Cold Stares’ Chris Tapp Talks About Life-Changing Experiences and Exorcising Demons Through Writing

We’ve all got baggage but, while some of us can let go of said stuff, for others the weight is like a stone around their necks. Heavy Shoes, the new album from Canadian rock duo The Cold Stares, explores such a subject so we caught up with Chris Tapp from the group to find out about how tackling the subject helped him deal with his own personal problems. Thanks for your time; how is life treating you at the moment? Chris Tapp: “Very well. Happy to have dates on the books and be playing out again, and to finally have our album released.” The new single is out. Lyrically, it’s a very emotional song, is it written from personal experience? “All my songwriting is in one way or another personal. I don’t think you can write honestly without opening yourself up to that. However, not every story i...

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