The Ticks Release “Creatures Deluxe” EP

The Ticks are digitally re-releasing their Creatures EP, the Nanaimo indie rock meets alt-punk group have added two new songs, Tits for Jesus and All Mine, and are calling it Creatures Deluxe. The songs fit the original existential theme conspired for the EP, that we’re all just anxious creatures searching for greater meaning in this life. With Creatures Deluxe, The Ticks have released a contemplative album about the apprehensions we all face, the only difference is now we can all dance to them.  “We would play shows and go to shows and just see people acting wildly. They were acting like night creatures and I guess that really stuck with us. The idea of acting like who you’re not at home to be part of something like a community.” (lead singer Kyle Maciejowski) Creatures ...

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