Scorn Fate is Sacramentia's first video clip made in partnership with Sicários Productions. Recorded between 5th and 7th of September. The official launch was in November 13 during the first edition of the first Extreme Sound Records Online Festival. Sacramentia is: André Guimarães Vieira: Guitar Guilherme Melo: Bass and Vocals Guilherme Mendes: Guitar Leonardo Michelazzo: Drums Renan Bezan: Vocals Special Guest: Heloysa Passoni Makeup Artist: Márcia Melo Audio Support: Gabriel Costa Netto Direct By : Ademir FIlho Carol Falcão Produced by Sicários Special thanks to our family and Friends. Pousada do Garoto. Listen our first album Prophecies Of Plague: Follow Sacramentia on instagram: Sacramentia on Facebook: https://w...