Pentagram Legend Bobby Liebling Chats About New Band The Limit and Working with Members of His Favourite Bands

Consisting of members of legendary punk instigators The Stooges, the founders of doom rock, Pentagram, legendary NYC punk originators Testors, and infamous Portuguese metal band Dawnrider, The Limit are set to release their debut album Caveman Logic on April 9th. Having grabbed an earful of this rock n’ roll masterpiece, we caught up with frontman Bobby Leibling to find out more about the band, the music, and much more. Thanks for your time Bobby, how is life treating you at the moment? Bobby Liebling: “It’s actually been a pretty bleak winter with the coronavirus closing everything down, but I’ve been a survivor to this point, so I hope I’ll continue on for a while at least!” You’ve got a new album coming out, tell us all about The Limit… “The Limit is a band that consists of some v...

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