Take a ‘Nightwalk’ with Animal Scream’s New “Evil Motown” Album [Premiere]

There’s Motown and then there’s evil Motown. “Evil Motown?” you’re probably asking. What the heck is that? Well, it’s a genre of music that you’re going to get really familiar with today courtesy of the musical act known as Animal Scream and their new album Nightwalk. The duo is the concoction of Chad Monticue and Josh Sickels, friends since childhood who both grew up listening to a lot of classic Motown music. While it may not be overly evident within their sound, the spirit of Motown shines right through within their unconventional pop sensibilities. Sickels came up with the term “evil Motown” as a comical way of categorizing their music since it really doesn’t neatly fit into any one genre. It’s dark pop music that encompasses a vast range of influences, from Prince to Roy Orbison, to T...

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