What Happened When AC/DC’s Angus Young First Played In School Uniform

Ever seen Angus Young without his school uniform? It’s weird. It’s like seeing someone without their glasses on. (Obviously, do not try to remember the ‘uniform-free’ element of AC/DC shows…) Anyway, like with everything, there was a first time that Angus stepped onstage at an AC/DC gig with his schoolyard getup on. Though now an iconic look, in them days, wearing such garb in an Australian pub was to declare open season on yourself… “That was the most frightened I’ve ever been onstage,” he told Total Guitar. “But thank God, I had no time to think. I just went straight out there. The crowd’s first reaction to the shorts and stuff was like a bunch of fish at feeding time — all mouths open. I had just one thing on my...

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