Watch the video for Narrow Head’s new single, Gearhead

Narrow Head have just shared an absolutely killer new single, Gearhead. The track is taken from the band’s upcoming album Moments Of Clarity – the follow-up to the excellent 12th House Rock – which is due out on February 10, 2023 via Church Road. Vocalist / guitarist Jacob Duarte previously explained of his headspace on the record – and how it resulted in that title: ​“The phrase created a space for me to reflect upon my own life. Since our last record I’ve had plenty of moments of realisation like that… when you experience friends dying, you’re forced to see life a little differently.” Watch the video below: Read this: ††† (Crosses): ​“There were two options: either we don’t do this band at all, or we try it with just us two. We chose the latter” Posted on De...

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