Watch the video for De’Wayne and POORSTACY’s huge new single Die Out Here

After teasing it earlier this week, De’Wayne and POORSTACY have just unleashed their massive new single and video, Die Out Here. Explaining the inspiration behind the track, De’Wayne shares that it’s about, ​“Not wanting to go out the way I’ve seen my heroes time after time. Being found without love or in the end feeling like they didn’t live up to the pressures you feel as a human. The inspiration comes from driving 1,300 miles from home to a place and leaving there with way more than you had at the beginning.” He continues that, ​“I honestly feel we become so obsessed with pleasing and fitting in that you lose who you were when you started and I genuinely don’t wanna exist as an artist that way. So I was expressing, ​‘I wanna go out with a smile if...

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