Watch the Osbourne family explain to Ozzy what a ‘Karen’ is

As well as reflecting on their iconic The Osbournes TV show and saying a firm ​“no” to ever doing a reboot, the latest episode of The Osbournes Podcast features a hilarious family discussion about the term ​‘Karen’. Having been at a Halloween party the night before filming said podcast, Ozzy reveals that he met someone there whose real name was Karen, but was confused by her telling him that she’s not actually a Karen – in fact, he says she was talking in a ​“language that I didn’t understand what the fuck she was on about”. Once it’s established by Kelly that, ​“Dad doesn’t know what a Karen is!”, Jack then jokes, ​“Mum is a secret Karen – actually, I don’t know if it’s a secret! I’ve seen you get pretty Karen‑y…” He clarifies that he...

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