Video Premiere: Evan Weiss – ‘DAEF (Destroy All Entitled Fucks)’

Native Angeleno Evan Weiss is announcing his debut album Still Ripping with the release of the new video “DAEF (Destroy All Entitled Fucks).” The satirical video pays homage to many of rock ‘n roll’s most iconic looks, mimicking every legend from Roy Orbison to Ian McKaye. Not only does the video show off Weiss’s tongue-in-cheek sense of humor but it illustrates his genre-bending style that takes as much influence from 70s punk rock as it does 90s indie alternative. The powerful, irreverent chorus serves to highlight his musical ethos: “I’m going to play the way I want and I don’t care what you think.” Despite the fact that this is Weiss’s debut LP, he’s no stranger to the industry. In fact, he’s more of an indie veter...

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