Vanessa Lockhart – Based on A true Story + Time To Forget 【 Priester • Lockhart • Vieira • Falchi • Carelli • Castro 】

★ ★ Hit that like button, subscribe and turn on the notification bell for more! Curta, inscreva-se e ative o sininho para não perder nenhum vídeo! ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Interpretar duas das mais belas canções do Hangar junto a esse time incrível e ter tido o privilégio de gravar um vídeo clipe foi, para mim, uma honra sem igual. Obrigada Aquiles, Theo e todos os envolvidos pela experiência ímpar! ▪︎ Interpreting two of the most beautiful Hangar songs with this incredible team and having the privilege of recording a video clip was, for me, an unparalleled honor. Thank you Aquiles, Theo and everyone involved for the unique experience. ▪︎ SONG: Based on A true Story + Time To Forget ORIGINAL ARTIST: Hangar (@hangarbanda) ALBUM: Infallible YEAR: 2009 ...

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