Ukraine Punk

After the birth of my children I found, as many do, that my social circle changed as did my activities. Gigs, festivals and club nights were replaced with baby groups, cafes and play dates. I’m not complaining, it’s an inevitable part of being a parent but I confess, I got lazy.  Listening to the same old bands, never branching out, never putting time into new artists. I was tired, I didn’t have the energy to spend on new music and when I did get the chance to enjoy music (mostly limited to in the car) I wanted an instant, familiar hit. I didn’t have time to waste on something that might not satisfy my needs. As my kids get older, I’ve invested time and effort in catching up. There’s been a lot of great bands come and go over the last ten years, and playing in my own band has opened me up ...

unsplash-logoLilith Redmoon