Twin Temple: “We’re carrying the torch for rock’n’roll’s main traditions: horniness and Satanism”

Twin Temple love Satan. Love him. They drop the guy’s name constantly in their lyrics and when they talk. Their music – a flamboyant, sharp-dressed, hip-shaking throwback to the American rock’n’roll of the 1950s and ​’60s – is dubbed Satanic Doo-Wop. On their new album, God Is Dead, the exact measure of what they’re all about can be found in a jazzy, cheeky number entitled, with absolutely no ambiguity, Let’s Have A Satanic Orgy. Right now, singer Alexandra Jones and guitarist husband Zach are telling Kerrang! about disposing of Bibles. Hundreds, by their count.  “We couldn’t open the door to get out of the house, there were so many,” says Alexandra. ​“My dad had to come and help us get rid of them all.” Blasphemous as throwing away so many copies of The Good ...

unsplash-logoLilith Redmoon