Transatlantic Extreme Metal Duo Weston Super Maim Pick Six Extreme Music Game-Changers

Starting out as a one-man project for UK musician Tom Stevens (All Of Space, Brown Stratos), the superbly-named Weston Super Maim recently released the crushing 180-Degree Murder. A release that marks a new level of intent, Stevens teamed up with US-based Seth Detrick of Los Angeles thrash outfit PDP. Melodic, brutal, abstract, it’s a track that has it all in terms of extreme music. So, having had our ears suitably mauled by the song, it seemed like the next sensible option would be to find out what inspired the pair to create such an intricate piece of extreme music. The pair picked out six bands they thought were responsible for shifting the landscape of extreme music and, as you read through their list, you’ll soon start to understand what it is that makes Weston Super Maim and their mu...

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