They Fell From The Sky Vocalist Colin Doran on the Project’s Origins and Lack of Tour Plans

As the singer of UK rock band Hundred Reasons, Colin Doran has toured the world. However, with his new project, They Fell From The Sky, which sees the vocalist team up with long time friend Jason Bowld, there are no plans to take the project out on the road when they release their debut album. To find out why, and to find out more about how the project came together, we recently spoke with Colin. Hi Colin. Finally, we get to do this. Colin Doran: “It’s been a long time coming and now we finally speak.” Excellent stuff. So how is life treating you? “Surviving. It’s been a weird 15 months, but just keeping busy over the last 15 months with the new projects.” So how did They Fell From The Sky happen then? “It’s just, well, it’s been something that we’ve written over quite a long period of tim...

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