The Sewer Cats – Obnoxious

I’m pretty sure that this is a duo who took their name for its direct up front lack of tongue in cheek nature, why not be the cat that eats the rats of the world for breakfast? This is this duo’s second album and it’s definitely not “Cute Aggression” anymore. This is all out, take no prisoners, throwing the lions off the cliff and biting the ass of the lion trainers to boot, but with a wonderful side helping of the emotional and melodic. In the spirit of not messing around, let’s just get straight to the point. ‘Boo Hoo’ hits the electric fence first, no sorry, it charges through and fries the the circuits to a crisp, harsh but needed words accompanied by what can only be described as a psychobillyesque banger of a tune. This isn’t just music and lyrics that horse whips its sub...

unsplash-logoLilith Redmoon