Emerging from Earth’s deepest caverns is Summoning the Lich, a death metal unit from St. Louis, Missouri. Since their formation in 2017, people from around the globe have become fans of the group’s punishing and melodic sound and phenomenal fantasy-entwined lyrics. Within their music is a realm of its very own. Taking influence from The Lord of the Rings, Magic: The Gathering, Dungeons & Dragons, and Adventure Time, their stories will capture minds for years to come. You can see them live when they join Abigail Williams X Vale of Pnath on their US tour, 5/17-5/26. United in Chaos (older review here) was released through Prosthetic Records on February 26, 2021. The debut album tells a dark and layered tale about the fall of the Kingdom Rodon and rise of the Lich. There is a stellar bala...