Jakob Nowell、Bud Gaugh、Eric Wilsonという布陣で再び動き出したSublimeが、「The Howard Stern show」に出演し、「Santeria」のライブ・パフォーマンスを披露しました。現在のツアー・メンバーにはFalling Idols、Long Beach Shortbusなどでの活躍で知られるTrey Pangbornが参加している。 Sublime (Jakob Nowell, Bud Gaugh, Eric Wilson) recently appeared on The Howard Stern show. They did a version of “Santeria”, which you can see below. The current lineup also includes touring member Trey Pangborn of Falling Idols, who influence Sublime (he was also in Long beach Shortbus). Howard Stern Presents Sublime premieres this Wednesday 8/14 exclusively on the SiriusXM App and airs this Friday 8/16 at 7pm Eastern on Howard 101 with replays throughout the weekend. Get more Howard Stern by signing up for a free SiriusXM trial: https://sxm.app.link/HS...