Spoilers “Skip To The End” On New Single

Skip To The End is the second single from Spoilers upcoming EP, There Or Thereabouts, which will be released on August 11th via SBÄM Records, Waterslide Records, Brassneck Records and Rad Girlfriend Records. The Canterbury, UK outfit belong to the UK’s finest scene bands that contain members of Snuff! The band insist that There Or Thereabouts is definitely worth listening to rather than skipping to the end of it! “I don’t have live TV at home. I Can’t. I can literally watch anything. Even if it’s terrible if I start watching it and even if it is three hours long I’ll sit there and watch as I need to know exactly what happens and how it ends. So skip To The End is about not wasting time and hoping for a more exciting ending. I could watch paint dry hoping...

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