Split Review: For Your Health & Awakebutstillinbed – hymns for the scorned

Awakebutstillinbed and For Your Health’s hymns for the scorned split EP is out June 10 and is an endearing celebration of a long-time friendship between two diy artists. No matter what kind of emo you usually find yourself gravitating toward, it should be something you check out. Both acts are at new heights and go in very interesting directions for their respective sides. It’s got just enough variety to assure itself as essential pieces in the artists’ discographies. Awakebutstillinbed is known for her poppy, indie-tinged brand of emo, but on these two songs we find her branching out into a slightly heavier territory. “Fear” is an explosive opener, full of harsh vocals, aggressive drum work, and shrill guitar strumming that culminates in the closest we’ve seen the project get to screamo y...

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