Serial Chiller Drop New Single “No Pay”

Hull, UK’s Serial Chiller are a slacker punk trio driven by bass and fuzzy guitar, whilst crafting anxious thoughts on mundane jobs and the ever modernisation of social interaction into lo-fi pop melodies that are paradoxically laid back and highly strung in both delivery and content. Structured around a solid frame of tight bass and pounding drums, the fuzz drenched guitar is free to drip in and out as it pleases, stabbing or sprawling, often building to a crescendo in the choruses. This is a dynamic that emulates the highs and lows of life. The hungover morning followed by the panic attack, the workday followed by the weekend.  Drafted in-between the ebb and flow of customers on a Saturday morning, No Pay is a call for help as the walls come crashing in. The frustration with dead e...

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