MGM Studios have shared the next look at the upcoming Ridley Scott-directed House Of Gucci movie, featuring a pretty much totally unrecognisable Jared Leto thanks to some impressive prosthetics work. From Suicide Squad to Dallas Buyer’s Club the 30 Seconds To Mars frontman is no stranger to showing up in huge films looking nothing like himself, and House Of Gucci – in which he plays Paolo Gucci, the cousin of fashion house head Maurizio Gucci – is clearly no exception. Read this: How well would you survive in a horror movie with these rock stars? Jared stars alongside an incredible A‑list cast, with Adam Driver playing the aforementioned Maurizio, Lady Gaga playing his ex-wife Patrizia Reggiani, Jeremy Irons playing Rodolfo Gucci, Salma Hayek playing Giuseppina ‘P...