Racetraitor break down every song on their tremendous new album

Chicago political hardcore vets Racetraitor are back with Creation and the Timeless Order of Things, one of the most tremendous albums of their career. It’s one of their heaviest, most metallic records, and each song is about a different societal struggle in different locations around the world–the band calls it “a sorta geographic autobiography of Racetraitor.” It also features guest vocals from Dennis Lyxzen (Refused), Tim Kinsella (Joan of Arc, Cap’n Jazz), Stan Liszewaki (Terminal Nation), Sanket Lama (Chepang), and Patrick Hassan (xRepentancex), and other musicians help add to the story, like Persian classical musician Fared Shafinury. For much more on this very dense album, vocalist Mani Mostofi and bassist R. Brent Decker have given us an in-depth breakdown o...

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