Public Serpents – When Pigs Lie

Public Serpents are a band who’s lyrics are 100% as heavy and heart felt as Crass themselves, written with the same conviction and life history built in, this comes as no surprise as their debut album ‘Feeding Of The Fortune 5000’ quite obviously hints to the influence.  Musically you might think from the outset, that comparisons with said anarchy punks are pretty thin on the ground, but where else would you hear such diversity in the use of the music to tell the story within, the style might not be the same, but the impact most certainly is. The Bully Puppet is their first release via SBÄM Records and comes a full 15 years since the initial offering, but by no means have they lost their hate for the system or the modern day shit show that is the capitalism.  Just take the heart of th...

unsplash-logoLilith Redmoon